Trattoria Al Trebbio Florenz

Centro Storico
Via delle Belle Donne 47/49R - 50123 Firenze
Tipica Locale
Lun-Dom (Mon-Sun): 12:00-14:30 / 19:30-23:00 - Mar(Wed): 19:30-23:00
Sempre Aperto
The Al Trebbio Trattoria is located in the historical city centre of Florence, just a short walk from the Santa Maria Novella Square.
The trattoria is typically Tuscan with a plain yet well looked after environment that makes you immediately feel at home and in the summer months guests can eat outside in the beautiful square in front of the trattoria. It offers all traditional Florentine dishes such as "ribollita" or "crespelle; the "tagliata alla frantoiana" is another speciality as well as the classical Florentine steak. To finish off a meal, a trolley of home-made desserts are available and are all accompanied by a very good wine list.
The trattoria is typically Tuscan with a plain yet well looked after environment that makes you immediately feel at home and in the summer months guests can eat outside in the beautiful square in front of the trattoria. It offers all traditional Florentine dishes such as "ribollita" or "crespelle; the "tagliata alla frantoiana" is another speciality as well as the classical Florentine steak. To finish off a meal, a trolley of home-made desserts are available and are all accompanied by a very good wine list.
TRIPPA ALLA FIORENTINAIngredienti per quattro persone:trippa 1 kguna cipolla chiaraun gambo di sedanouna carotauno spicchio d'agliovino biancosalsa di pomodorobrodo vegetalesale e pepePreparazione:Soffriggere a fuoco lento un battuto di cipolla, sedano e carota, aggiungere poi un po' di aglio a fettine. Nel frattempo tagliare la trippa a fette e farla cuocere in una pentola col brodo vegetale. Quando la trippa è cotta unirla al soffritto, aggiungere quindi una spruzzatina di vino bianco e farlo sfumare, unire poi la salsa di pomodoro e un po' del brodo di cottura della trippa e far restringere il tutto.