Kochschule Cordon Bleu Florenz

Centro Storico
Via di Mezzo 55/r - 50121 Firenze Italia
The Italian Scuola di Arte Culinaria Cordon Bleu was established in Rome in 1966. It was the first cooking school both for professionals and for amateurs in Italy. Since then, other Scuola di Arte Culinaria Cordon Bleu have opened all over Italy. Among these, the prestigious Scuola di Arte Culinaria Cordon Bleu of Florence established in 1985. The School is located right in the heart of Florence, a few minutes walk from the Duomo.
The two teachers, Gabriella Mari and Cristina Blasi are both the founders and the directors of the school in Florence. They are fully qualified Cordon Bleu and are members of the "Commanderie des Cordons Bleus de France". They are Sommeliers (wine-connoisseurs) and experts in extra virgin olive oil. Cristina and Gabriella are thoroughly interested in wine and food and are constantly studying the history of cookery as well as new techniques and methodologies of preparation.
When they first set up the school, they taught Italian Cooking, Advanced International Cooking and Pastry Cooking. Since then, they have included many other specialized courses such as Old Tuscan Cooking, Advanced Pastry and Regional First Course Dishes.
They are particularly sensitive to the nutritional value of food. They periodically invite well-known professional chefs who hold lessons at a high level. In addition, the two teachers keep in touch with other cooking schools in Italy and abroad. In 1991 they published a book on Ancient Roman Cooking ("Come cucinare la storia" Ed. Klaus Monreal).
The two teachers hold their courses in Italian, English and French. During Spring, Summer and Autumn they concentrate on General Italian Cooking and on Regional Cuisine of Italy, and teach groups of participants in Villas outside Florence, around the beautiful country-side, or abroad, in host cooking schools.