Salamanca Florenz

Centro Storico
Via Ghibellina, 80r - 50122 Firenze
Welcome in the site of the Salamanca. Our objective is that to bring the kitchen - music and other of the spagna. Always to the search of novelty for allegrare your evenings.
Begining in october witt also be open for lunch from noon until late night
Salamanca is placed in the center of Florence, near Del Duomo's square, and is reachable in a few minutes by foot with a pleasant walk through Florence historical centre beatiful and interesting streets. You can take the bus number 14 from Florence railway station (S. Maria Novella) or from Del Duomo Square and you have to leave the second or the third bus stop in Via Ghibellina ( click here to see the timetables).
By car instead, you can follow the circumvallation avenues until the Arno embankment and leave the your car in one of the parking places near there or in Cavalleggeri square.
Begining in october witt also be open for lunch from noon until late night
Salamanca is placed in the center of Florence, near Del Duomo's square, and is reachable in a few minutes by foot with a pleasant walk through Florence historical centre beatiful and interesting streets. You can take the bus number 14 from Florence railway station (S. Maria Novella) or from Del Duomo Square and you have to leave the second or the third bus stop in Via Ghibellina ( click here to see the timetables).
By car instead, you can follow the circumvallation avenues until the Arno embankment and leave the your car in one of the parking places near there or in Cavalleggeri square.
Nachos Tipicos € 4,00
(tortillas di mais con formaggio, peperoni, jalapenos)
(nachos with cheese, bellpeppers, jalapenos)
Nachos rancheros € 4,50
(tortillas di mais con formaggio, guacamole, salsa, crudo)
(nachos with cheese, guacamole, salsa, ham)
€ 4,00
(tortilla di farina ripiena di formaggio, salse)
(quesadillas, cheese, salse)
Burritos de ternera
€ 9,00
(tortilla ripiena con manzo e salsa)
(beef filled with salsa)
Burritos de pollo
€ 9,00
(tortilla ripiena di pollo e salsa)
(chicken filled tortillas with salsa)
Burrito vegetal € 8,00
(tortilla ripiena di verdure)
(vegetarian burrito)
Taquitos fritos de pescado € 6,50
(tortillas di farina ripiene di gamberetti e verdure)
(fish taquitos)
Tacos de ternera € 9,00
(tortillas ripiena di manzo con salsa)
(beef filled tortillas with salsa)
Tacos de pollo € 9,00
(tortilla ripiena di pollo e salsa)
(chicken filled tortillas with salsa)
Tacos vegetal € 8,00
(tortilla ripiena di verdure)
(vegetarian tacos)
Enchilladas de pollo € 9,00
(tortillas di mais arrotolate con formaggio, pollo, salsa piccante)
(chicken enchiladas with cheese, hot salsa)
Chili con frijoles € 9,00
(cubetti di manzo con fagioli neri piccante)
(chili with beans)
Fajita mista per 2 persone € 22,00
(filetti di pollo e manzo con verdure alla piastra)
(grilled chicken and beef strips with vegetables)
Fajita de polloper 2 persone € 22,00
(filetti di pollo con verdure alla piastra)
(grilled chicken strips with vegetables)
Fajita de ternera 2 persone € 22,00
(filetti di manzo con verdure alla piastra)
(grilled beef strips with vegetables)
Salpicòn de pulpo € 5,50
(insalata di polpo)
(squid salad)
* Pulpitos de Malaga € 6,50
(terrina di polpetti in salsa)
(little squid terrine with sauce)
Albòndigas con salsa
€ 5,50
(polpette di carne al sugo - meat balls with sauce)
Bombas picantes
€ 5,00
(bombe di patate con ripieno di carne e salsa piccante)
(potato “bombs” stuffed with meat and spicy sauce)
Croquetas de la casa
€ 4,00
(crocchette della casa con besciamella e pollo)
(house croquettes with white sauce)
(solo su prenotazione e pagamento anticipato)
Paella vegetal (per 2 persone) € 25,00
Paella mixta (per 2 persone) € 31,00
Paella marinera (per 2 persone) € 35,00
Paella nigra (per 2 persone) € 27,00
Empanada mallorquina € 4,00
(rotolo di pasta sfoglia con ripieno di carne)
(puff pastry filled with meat)
Pimientos de bacalao € € 5,50
(peperoni ripieni di baccalĂ )
(peppers filled with fish)
Pincho de pollo € 9,00
(spiedino di pollo marinato)
(chicken meat icebabs)
Berenjenas rellenas € 4,50
(melanzane, mela, pomodoro, besciamella)
(eggplants, apple, tomato and white sauce)
Jamòn Serrano € 7.00
(piatto di prosciutto di maiale bianco)
(a plate of white pork ham)
Chorizo salchichon y Serrano € 7.00
(tris di salumi spagnoli)
(three spanish salami)
Surtido de quesos y jamòn € 7.00
(piatto misto di formaggi con prosciutto Serrano)
(a mixed cheese plate with “serrano” ham)
Surtido de quesos € 5,50
(piatto misto di formaggi)
(a mixed cheese plate)
Super surtido de embutitos y queso € 25,00
(piatto misto di formaggi e affettati)
(a mixed plate of cheese, ham)